
2nd House AstrologyA Guide To The Zodiac's Second House

Last Updated: September 24th, 2023 | Reading Time: 51 minutes

The second house tells us of our values, our basic needs, how we make money and how we make ourselves feel secure. Similar to the needs and values of the Taurus sign.

This is part of a guide on Astrology Houses.

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Let’s take a look at the second house.

An image of 2nd House Astrology and 2nd second house astrology houses zodiac illustration. The Planet Venus rules Taurus and Libra. So, in turn, is a strong influence of both the Second House and the 7th House. The 2nd house specifies how you gain and spend your own money (as opposed to other’s money in the 8th house), your attitude towards wealth and material goods and possessions, and your potential for accumulating it/them. As Venus rules Love and Money, there is a strong influence on the love of things, notably, the quality of those things.

2nd House Meaning In Astrology

Second House Meaning

In Astrology, The Second House in the House of Value and the house of possessions. This house shows us about the financial state of a person. It refers to your own money and possessions, what you value, your hidden talents, sense of self-worth, self-esteem (how you value yourself, instead of describing your personality as in the 1st House/ascendant).

It follows the ascendant and 1st house of self-expression and the house cusp transitions from ourselves, to our values and basic needs and well-being.

Possessions include anything a person owns (except the house/home which is ruled by the 4th House): cars, furniture, clothing, moveable property, real estate, investments and securities, etc. Your financial matters are focused here.

The Planet Venus rules Taurus and Libra. So, in turn, is a strong influence of both the Second House and the 7th House. The 2nd house specifies how you gain and spend your own money (as opposed to other’s money in the 8th house), your attitude towards wealth and material goods and possessions, and your potential for accumulating it/them. As Venus rules Love and Money, there is a strong influence on the love of things, notably, the quality of those things.

The Second House symbolises what you have to work with materially: possessions, money, and physical resources. This house also represents your desires and values. Planets in the Second House operate in the field of material needs and also indicate what you value most highly.

2nd House Facts

Here are simple keywords to your personal resources and your economy, depending on what Zodiac sign you have in the 2nd House:

  • Aries – Challenging
  • Taurus – Secure
  • Gemini – Carefree
  • Cancer – Protective
  • Leo – Flamboyant
  • Virgo – Controlled
  • Libra – Balanced
  • Scorpio – Out of control
  • Sagittarius – Independent
  • Capricorn – Ambitious
  • Aquarius – Experimental
  • Pisces – Insecure

Here are some keywords for what heightened capacity you can have if you have a planet (or more) in your 2nd House:

  • Sun – Adaptive
  • Moon – Lucrative
  • Mercury – Inventive
  • Venus – Creative
  • Mars – Forceful
  • Jupiter – Lucky
  • Saturn – Dominant
  • Uranus – Insightful
  • Neptune – Imaginative
  • Pluto – Drastic

Zodiac House Calculator

If you do not know what your houses,  sun sign is, you can use our birth chart/natal chart calculator which will tell you what your house placement, including where your second house is.

What Body Parts Are Related To The Second House Of Astrology?

The 2nd House rules the upper part of the body, and sense organs are related to it.

It also controls the health of specific body parts such as the face, teeth, tongue, oral cavity, nose and right eye.

It mainly is concerned with the health of mouth and mouthparts.

It also influences the speech of a person and the control of a person on his/her speech.

Different planetary positions control the health of these areas.

What Relations Are Affected By The Second House Of Astrology?

The second house of astrology controls the relationship with close family members, co-workers and colleagues.

It controls a person’s communication skills which has a major effect on personal relations.

This house controls the nature and character of a person, making him a good or bad person.

What Relations Are Affected By The Second House Of Astrology?

It tells about the possession of a person with wealth jewellery, education, precious stones, beauty, ornaments, luxury, language etc.

It influences the nature of a person, habits (good or bad), financial background and family relations. 

Planets In The 2nd House

Planets In The Second House

The planet which mainly affects the second house astrology is Venus. Venus rules Taurus and Libra and the 2nd and 7th House. When it comes to the second house, it controls a lot of possessions, material things, resources, values and habits.

Following is what different planets bring to the second house of astrology:-

Sun In 2nd House

The Sun brings a lot of wealth, healthy relationship and great values and principles. Be wary of greed and often showing off through materialistic things and luxury items. The family is the major financial support up to a long time. All of this is most likely to focus upon what you regard as being of true worth. So anything that you put your vital energies into has to have a very real and material value.

You could simply translate this into accumulating plenty of money and property, and for as long as you truly regard this as important, then that is what you are able to do. But at some point, it is no longer as simple as that. 

The issue becomes one of establishing what YOU are worth, and what it is that you have, know or believe in that you must prove to be of worth in the material world. How much money you have or don’t have is really only an indicator of what you believe it, and therefore yourself, to be worth.

Moon In 2nd House

The Moon brings adaptability which in turn brings a lot of success and wealth. But the person is not good with languages and is often a bad speaker. It can also bring unstable financial conditions and problem in relationships.

Many of these needs and feelings apply especially to how you estimate your own worth or earn an income, and to finances generally. Income and self-esteem are also subject to fluctuations, as are your moods and the market itself. By the same token, you may have an instinct for money and property. For better or worse you have inherited the same attitudes to money and self-worth as your family and especially your mother. Money can be earned catering to the public’s needs.

Mercury In 2nd House

Mercury brings good language understanding and a skilled speaker. The person is easy to adapt and has a good sense of humour. It also brings a high level of tolerance power. These mental qualities of yours are a major material asset, or a major liability so it’s important to get the best out of them and eliminate their weaknesses.

The soundness of your mind greatly determines your income and the nature of your mind has much to do with what you do to earn that income. You may even work at something to do with finances. You prefer to concern yourself with practical issues – or you are forced to by circumstances. You are often fascinated by the small details of the physical world. It’s as if by making such a contact you feel in touch with everything.

Venus In 2nd House

Venus brings a comfortable life with luxury and a lot of emotional support. It rules the mouth of a person as mentioned before and has the potential to ruin and make new relationships. It also brings both good and bad possessions. Your talents and abilities are most likely to involve art, fashion, social skills, etc. You certainly do have money-making potential – you are like a magnet to it. However, the value that you place upon it is crucial because it can make the difference between being loved for what you are and loved for what you have.

You like this sense of love and beauty to take physical shape – which means to say that they probably have a lot to do with how you earn your living. It also means that you are likely to attract and keep things of beauty and worth. You are good at making money, and can make it doing anything, so make sure that your job is truly fulfilling, and that you’re not just rationalizing something that is demeaning, or irresponsible.

Mars In 2nd House

Mars brings aggressiveness, arguments, fights and bad attitude with closed ones over principles and values. This way of asserting yourself has to or likes to, express itself most of all in the pursuit of your self-worth and a financial income that matches that self-worth. Looked at in another way, your financial status reflects not so much the value you place upon yourself, but upon the energy that you are prepared to put into improving it.

If you simply desire to have plenty of money and are not too fussed about how you go about it, then money is what you’ll get. If on the other hand, it is an increased and truer sense of self-worth that you are after, then how much money you have should not be regarded as a measure of this. But whether it’s money or self-worth that you are in pursuit of, your Mars Profile as a whole reveals the pros and the cons of gaining them. It also indicates something of the nature of your worth and how your income is best earned

Jupiter In 2nd House

Jupiter in the 2nd house brings religious beliefs and high principles. The person also has a high worth and is often untrustworthy. It also brings possession with luxury item resulting in overspending.

You like to have something physical to show for your beliefs, so in proportion to the strength of your faith, you will accumulate money and possessions. The danger here is that this can become a substitute for faith itself.  For example, you could amass lots of things around you but feel hollow inside. The wisdom that you are after, or already possess, is that of using your flair for attracting wealth to guide and assist projects and people that are in need of it

Saturn In 2nd House

Saturn brings steady growth in finance and conservative values. Hard work and determination brings slow change in financial condition but does not bring self-satisfaction. These lessons and tasks focus particularly on the issues of self-worth and income or finances. Consequently, it is very likely that you either have trouble as a result of having too little money or too much of it. In the first case, you are striving to improve your self-worth and thereby attract a better income.

In the second case, you find it hard to know what you yourself are actually worth because others seem to judge you by what you own rather than what you are. Tightfistedness with yourself could arise from the first case – tightfistedness with others from the second. In either case, you are learning what is of real value in life. You could become an authority on quality

Uranus In 2nd House

Uranus brings unexpected changes in financial statuses. It also brings luck which often results in a luxurious and comfortable lifestyle. Your urge for change and awakening reveals itself in those areas of life that are concerned with material substance and self-worth. If you yourself lean to a material view of life, then you probably regard change as something to resist or have well under control.

If you can lend stability where there is change or disruption, then this is a good expression of this, but if you are materially entrenching yourself against any kind of change, at some stage you could encounter something irresistible that forces a change. With regard to your sense of self-worth and the income that reflects it, these are possibly prone to erratic changes. On the other hand, self-worth and income would be made more secure in your having a talent for science, engineering, psychology or something unusual.

Neptune In 2nd House

Neptune brings self-satisfaction. The person does not care about money, wealth and materialistic things. Also accepts what life is and enjoys every moment of life. It doesn’t bring a lot of wealth but more than enough to survive. You are sensitive about your self-worth and earning ability. On the other hand, you could be sensitive to money matters by having a sixth sense about them but it’s more likely that you find it hard to grasp or hold on to what you actually own.

This can mean that you are open-handed and don’t care too much about money, or that you’re forever depending on handouts and maybe have a ‘something will turn up’ attitude, or else when you have money it just slips through your fingers; you are also open to financial deception.The more you can tune into the mystery of where it all comes from and goes to (which has something to do with believing that you will be provided for in proportion to your spiritual worth) then the fewer financial problems there will be.

Pluto In 2nd House

Pluto in the 2nd House brings emotional distress in childhood and poor financial state, making wealth the most important thing in one’s life. It also brings poor mental health and emotional life. Security and self-belief were threatened at a young age. In adulthood, could present itself as a struggle with low self-worth. Pluto is very transformational and if you allow yourself to dive into the hurt, pain and feelings that define your worth, you can come out very alive and very confident.

Any call to transformation is aimed at your attitude towards money and possessions and at material values in general.  You either find it easy to attract wealth in some material form or very difficult. In both cases, the issue is the same: you’ll have to learn what the actual value of material things is. When, on the other hand, your material assets are used generously and wisely, a never-ending supply line of material wherewithal is conferred upon you. 

2nd House Through The Signs

An image of 2nd House Astrology and 2nd house astrology 1. The Planet Venus rules Taurus and Libra. So, in turn, is a strong influence of both the Second House and the 7th House. The 2nd house specifies how you gain and spend your own money (as opposed to other’s money in the 8th house), your attitude towards wealth and material goods and possessions, and your potential for accumulating it/them. As Venus rules Love and Money, there is a strong influence on the love of things, notably, the quality of those things.

Second House in Aries

If the second house begins in Aries, this person follows their instincts to create something in the material world. This will be a strong desire. This is the position that exemplifies quick gains and energy focused into matters of self-worth and the value of all things in life.

Second House in Taurus

If the second house begins in Taurus, it is a natural position for this house. People born with it can recognise the value of all things, relationships, other people, and experiences in life. This is someone who has the talent to earn money, as long as their sense of the material world isn’t influenced by other people’s opinions.

Second House in Gemini

If the second house begins in Gemini, this person will make money in quick, freelance activities as opposed to a serious job that will bring a lot of deep, stable satisfaction. This is someone who can profit from journalism, constant movement, oratory talents writing or good trading skills.

Second House in Cancer

If the second house begins in Cancer, there is a strong chance that a person will earn from a family business or a private company of their own. This is someone capable of working from home. Also, someone who goes with the flow and relies on destiny to bring them their wealth.

Second House in Leo

If the second house begins in Leo, there’s the ability to “pose” for money. This is often seen in actors, models and theatrical people. This placement is awkward because the outcome of every situation links not only to self-worth but also to self-respect.

Second House in Virgo

If the second house begins in Virgo, the trick is to be satisfied and actually value one’s actions and successes, instead of fault searching. Money comes from dedication, hard work and attention to detail. This is carried by someone who will rarely gain anything quickly or earn something they didn’t well deserve.

Second House in Libra

If the second house begins in Libra, this gives an individual a sense of self-worth through relationships with other people. Potential of material blessings through partnerships or a chosen spouse. Here indicates making money working with other people, in a team or through relationships, partnerships, law, or the chase for justice.

Second House in Scorpio

If the second house begins in Scorpio, possible finances left to us by our ancestors. This means that one has to give to receive and there will never come a reward without it being earned through all sorts of life choices, deeds and ancestry, or receive finances through other people.

Second House in Sagittarius

If the second house begins in Sagittarius, it can hard to hold on to money or stick to beaten trails to earn it. Although there’s always luck with this placement, there are many unrealistic approaches. As long as there are enough depth and common sense in their approach, here lies the seed for pure satisfaction and earthly happiness.

Second House in Capricorn

If the second house begins in Capricorn, any lessons of value will be learned only if Capricorn well-rested. If they are stuck in their inability to feel responsible for their own wellbeing, they won’t be able to see the healthy routine needed to become satisfied with what they have.

Second House in Aquarius

If the second house begins in Aquarius, changing matters of value will continuously be seen through friendships and common goals of the society. This person can take considerable financial risks. Being stable and with a definite plan, liberation will often make them strangely irresponsible and full of surprises in all financial matters.

Second House in Pisces

If the second house is in Pisces, the complicated thing here lies in the fact that delusions with Pisces tend to take over. The primary goal of a person, in this case, is to follow their true calling and personal mission. This is the only thing that can bring enough real satisfaction to their life.


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